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Tell Don - Israel Tour Guide
Masada and Dead Sea
The tour will effortlessly descend from Jerusalem via the ancient road that connected Jerusalem and the Dead Sea. The stark Judean Desert that invited prophets, hermits and monks to forsake pleasures and bond with the deserts hardship will be laid before your eyes. Here the Hasmoneans and Herod the Great built a series of palace fortresses that marked the kingdom borders and offered luxurious refuge when revolt came knocking on the door. Masada, Herod's majestic desert palace fortress, sitting on top of a geological hurst was the ultimate in natural defense that stood high and mighty. We will take a cable car to the top and witness the luxury and power that the site radiated. We will feel the Roman siege as we imagine the Jewish zealots that retreated here following the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. We will almost taste the vast reservoirs of water Herods engineers had so cleverly gathered from the dry barren landscape.
Further to the North is the ancient Jewish Essene settlement of Qumaron. It was at Qumaron that the famous Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. These scrolls date back more than 2000 years and are almost identical to the the Jewish Tanach we know today. We will talk about this unique group of scribes that some have speculated was where John the Baptist might have spent some time.
Finally we will stop for a some unforgettable bathing in the the Dead Sea. The lowest point on the continental earth where magic is in the water and the air.

Almog Dead Sea
Almog Beach

Masada Northern Palace

Almog Dead Sea
Almog Beach

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